Monday, October 12, 2009

Do Not Fear

Our Br May-T shares with us a very beautiful reflection on 'FEAR', drawing inspiration from the movie "Batman Begins". hmm.. guess we should be watching more superheroes movies huh?

Watching movies is one of the means that we do to recreate ourselves. Especially if the movies could leave some insights or messages to enrich or inspire our souls, it would be worth spending time and money to recreate. Recently, after finishing a long term assignment, I had a chance to once again view my favorite movie “Batman Begins”. I can not remember since when it has become my top three favorite movies, but I found myself watching it again for the fifth time. As I was watching up to the flashback after the little Bruce Wayne felt down the deep well and was attacked by the bats, and as his father rescued him and brought him to his room. There, I got something in their conversation.

His father: “You know why they attacked you, don’t you? His father asked calmly “They were afraid of you.”
Little Bruce Wayne: “Afraid of me?” on the bed, the little boy responded curiously.
His father: “All creatures feel fear.”
Little Bruce Wayne: “Even the scary ones?”
His father: “Especially the scary ones

I paused the movie and reflected for a moment, thought along with that paradox and agreed that it makes sense.

We always think that the scary one is forceful but actually it works another way around. The scary creatures that seem to be strong and know no fear, actually they are very fearful. They threaten so that the others will not harm them; they, in fact, react out of fear. This explains to me not only about animals but also people.

People can be scary as well (agree?), not by the way they look (alone) but by the way they treat other people. When a person treats others with harsh words, insensitivity, bad mood, coldness, arrogance, superiority, etc, they become scary. We might experience that some people make us feel like it is easier to walk away than to make friends with. Some people leave us a print of fear rather than of love. We tend to fear them, don’t we? (Some might say that they are not afraid but just do not want to get close.)Yes, we do not just tend to but we do fear. As a result, fear becomes our disposition without us realizing that it is a wrong reaction to react to fear with fear.

Another important thing that also needs to be considered is ‘power’. Like what most people think, the ‘scary ones’ might also think that they are forceful. It could be or just seems to be. If they consider that the ability to threaten others is power, they might be right. But if they realize that they are incapable of even taming the fear inside themselves, it is telling that they are just seemingly powerful. So, we better do not let those illusions convince us so.

Then what should we do? We need not to fear them or even to fight them, instead give them a surprise, by being a friend to them; a friend who does not fear them and does not want them to fear. We need to help them let go of their dreadful actions and show them some signs of love and acceptance. It is only then that the changes might happen, because by doing so we begin the process of breaking the fear and building the trust in their minds. But first we must be aware of the fear in our hearts and do not let it scares us or drives us away.



  1. Hello May-T,

    Well its my first to browse over the SAT-MI student blog since it goes online.

    A good and beautiful reflection. I also like Batman Begins. I watched it for four times.

    It is a story of an orphaned Bruce Wayne, orphaned due to the darkness of society, its crime, its corruptions, and its poverty, and its social-political problems. Bruce is soul searching. One thing that strucks me is his decision to same Gotham City not to destroy it contrary to what the League of Shadows, where Bruce used to be a member,planned to do. The movie also gives the message of choices and decisions. Gotham City is not hopeless, Bruce or Batman sees a light in the horizon. Daybreak is coming and the darkness of the night will soon disappears.

    I think it is very good to connect Batman Begins and "The Dark Knight". The Dark Night presents a different cinematography (it is gloomy and shadowy or dark) than all other Batman movies.

    Fear is one of the feelings that I fear, next to anxiety. Yet fear could not control or get hold of me, when I make conscious decisions to befriend fear.

    The movie ends with Bruce planning to rebuild his family's mansion after it was damaged by fire and he started to get back his family's company (the Wayne Enterprise) and that he has a clear goal and mission-vission for his life, ie. he will be Batman, the crusader against the fear that is brought by the darkness of society.

    I will end here,

    Regards to all!

  2. Just one more thing...hehehe

    Rebuilding the mansion and taking hold of the family's corporation is symbolic of Bruce Wayne's coming home and of building himself back after soul searching. It is a symbol of conquering fear that hold him back many times in his life.

    There are still many posts on this blog to read since its my first time to visit. Congratulations to the Academics committee for making this blog.

    God bless to all!

    Salam Damai dalam Tuhan Yesus Kristus sang Penebus Mahakudus!

    - Gary
