The resort was located in Talikud Island, about an hour boat ride away from Davao city. It was a nice little resort with a very clean and well kept beach and not too many visitors. In other words, we pretty much had the whole resort to ourselves. At once upon touchdown, we secured our bunks and had out lunch, but many were already busy fixing cocktails and getting our bodies high in “Spirit”…
Of course, we did find some time to enjoy the sea, and we had a great BBQ dinner with lots of exotic food (squid which made half the group itch up in red patches, sea urchins, thai soup with unidentified objects, etc…) That side, we enjoyed each others’ company through card games, beach games, and of course by entertaining ourselves seeing full transformation of various brothers after the effect of the great “spirit”!
Anyway, the fun 2 days lasted way too short, and before we knew it, we were already packing our bags and heading back to reality. As I type this blog entry, I could not quite believe that school is starting in 2 days. Gosh… I still have so much to do, all the movies to watch and all the sleep to catch up. Well, life goes on!!!
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